# If you have identified a security vulnerability affecting IT resources of SAK - St.Gallisch-Appenzellische Kraftwerke AG, # we encourage you to report it directly via email or by phone to our vulnerability management team. # We will triage your request to the appropriate entity. Contact: mailto: itsm@sak.ch Contact: phone: +41712265678 Expires: 2024-12-31T23:00:00.000Z Preferred-Languages: de, en Canonical: https://www.sak.ch/.well-known/security.txt Policy: https://sakch-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/beat_hug_sak_ch/EdwUOTDYqUlProGZIua3DXQBB5kK6TiLC90hD-OZV9XQdA?e=eWAsZc